Student Handbook
Dear Students, Parents & Guardians,
Welcome to the City Hill Middle School community.
To ensure a good beginning to the school year, please take time now to review the student handbook and learn about City Hill. As you do this, we encourage families to talk about the purpose of school and why education is so important for a positive and productive life.
By working together as a team, we are confident that all students will have a meaningful, challenging, and engaging academic experience at City Hill.
During the first week of school teachers will implement lessons to teach the behavior and academic core expectations. We also encourage you to visit our school website to access individual teacher websites, daily announcements, and information on various school events.
Again, welcome to City Hill Middle School. We are looking forward to a great year.
CHMS Administration
- Mission & Beliefs
- A Culture for Equitable Learning
- Partnering for a Culture of High Expectations
- Positive Behavior Support System - CHMS ROCKS
- Strive for Less than Five Program
- Power Down/Achievement Up
- Integration of Social Emotional Learning/Equity
- Celebrations of Excellence and Student Empowerment
- Support for Students
- Community Partnership
- Attendance
- Arrival
- Make-up Policy
- Behavior/Conduct Policies
- Chromebook Policy
- Dress Code and Grooming Code
- Bullying
- Counseling and Guidance Services
- Property
- Grading Policies
- Parent-Teacher Organization
- Visitors
- Student Access to Networked Information
- Emergency Codes
Mission & Beliefs
Our mission is to create a community of learners who:
Are responsible and engaged community members
Demonstrate initiative, persistence, and adaptability
Are curious and value risk-taking as part of the learning process
Access and analyze information and formulate opinions
Communicate effectively
Work individually and on teams to solve real world problems
A Culture for Equitable Learning
Our culture for equitable learning is the foundation of Naugatuck Public Schools. At City Hill Middle School we work together to ensure our schools are safe, engaging and happy communities where each and every child develops into the Vision of the Graduate.
The Four Principles of the Naugatuck Public Schools Learning Culture
(Learner refers to both children and adults)
- Each and every learner is a contributing and dependable member of their community
- Each and every learner champions the ideals of social justice and equity
- Each and every learner feels values for their uniqueness
- Each and every learner engages in inquiry an demonstration of competence
Partnering for a Culture of High Expectations
The transition from middle school to high school can be challenging. The middle school and high school teachers will engage in regular professional dialogue to ensure consistent practices and expectations. A panel of students, faculty and parents collaboratively worked to create a set of learner dispositions for students, educators and families. The learner disposition outlines how educators and families can partner to support high expectations for students. We will refer to the learner disposition regularly in an attempt to raise the bar for all. Students will reflect upon the rubric and create goals to improve their own learner dispositions. Students will share their progress towards individual goals at the fall and spring conferences.
Positive Behavior Support System - CHMS ROCKS
We will again implement our school wide behavioral and academic expectations, the CHMS ROCKS program. (The acronym stands for Respect, Organization, Cooperation, Kindness and Safety) In an extended homeroom during the first week of school, teachers will deliver lessons that explicitly teach our school wide expectations in each of the following settings: cafeteria, bus, auditorium, hallways, classroom and in the math lab. Additionally, we will specifically teach the rationale and rules of our electronic and attendance policies. We believe when everyone understands and adheres to the expectations, City Hill Middle School ROCKS!
School Assemblies & Events |
Hallways & Stairways |
Cafeteria | Bus | Bathroom | Outside Activities |
Respect |
Organization |
Cooperation |
Kindness |
Safety |
Academic Expectations for Students |
Respect |
I will respect myself by producing quality work. To do this, I will:
Organization |
I will keep my materials neat and organized. To do this, I will:
Cooperation |
I will show cooperation by being accountable tot he group in a turn and talk, classwork task, and long-term projects. To do this, I will:
Kindness |
I will be kind to myself by being prepared with my homework and ready to learn. To do this, I will:
Safety |
I will feel safe to take academic risks and engage in a productive struggle. To do this, I will:
Academic Expectations for Educators |
Academic Expectations for Families |
Respect |
I will respect my classroom by foster a nurturing environment where all students have opportunity to pursue academic excellence. To do this, I will:
I will respect the education process by holding my child to standards of excellence. To do this, I will:
Organization |
I will keep my learning environment organized. To do this, I will:
I will create an organizational structure and routines for success at home. To do this, I will:
Cooperation |
I will provide a learning environment that fosters collaborative work. To do this, I will:
I will support my child's efforts to collaborate with others on long term projects. To do this, I will:
Kindness |
I will set and model clear expectations for student accountability. To do this, I will:
I will show kindness to child by ensuring they are ready to learn each day. To do this, I will:
Safety |
I will create an atmosphere where students can take academic risks and engage in a productive struggle. To do this, I will:
I will create an atmosphere where student can take academic risks and engage in a productive struggle. To do this, I will:
Strive for Less than Five Program
We will employ an incentive program to encourage students to strive for less than five absences in one school year. Students will sign the pledge to get to school each day and keep absences to under five for the school year. Students will be celebrated regularly for maintaining consistent attendance. We recognize the need to utilize parent and community resources to address our problem of chronic absenteeism.
Power Down/Achievement Up
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation teens are spending eight hours a day on electronic devices. The addiction to technological devices is real. Educators and parents are charged with monitoring the use of cellphones and social media. When teens limit the amount of time spent on electronic devices, they sleep better, reduce anxiety, and improve interpersonal skills resulting in improved academic performance and relationships. At CHMS, electronic devices are permitted, but must be turned off and out of sight during the school day. We urge parents to call the office when relaying a message to students. Students are not permitted to check their phone. Presently the cell phone is the number one academic disruption of the day.
All personal electronic devices must remain off and out of sight between 7:40 AM and 2:25 PM, including during passing times, lunch and study halls.
- First offense: Students may pick up their device from the main office after 2 PM; parents will be notified of the offense.
- Second offense: Parents may pick up the device after 2 PM.
- Third and subsequent offenses will require parents to pick up the device and students may lose the privilege of carrying the phone at school.
Integration of Social Emotional Learning/Equity
In addition to the core academic curriculum, we use every opportunity to help strengthen our students’ social emotional intelligence. We utilize the RULER program, an evidenced based social emotional learning curriculum to help students recognize and ultimately regulate their emotions for academic and personal success. We also recognize and celebrate one another’s uniqueness and varying perspectives. We strive to present learners with opportunities to champion equity and social justice for all. This year we will continue to increase awareness in our student body regarding implicit bias, privilege and racial structuralization.
Celebrations of Excellence and Student Empowerment
We seek every opportunity to celebrate and empower our students. Informal daily shouts are provided through our morning news show. More formally, students will be recognized each trimester for academic as well as athletic, musical and personal success in our Town Hall Assembly. Each year we induct new members into the CHMS chapter of the Junior National Honor Society. We celebrate students who exemplify our CHMS ROCKS matrix through their daily actions. Additionally, students are encouraged to take a leadership role in our Student Council, Morning News Show team, as ROCKS ambassadors, in our Equity Group, and as acting Masters of Ceremonies for our Town Hall Assemblies just to name a few examples.
Support for Students
Administration and counselors will review students’ grades every three weeks. Students who are passing each class with a seventy or higher will be deemed “academically healthy”. Those students will be permitted to choose an enrichment activity. Students with more than one grade below a 70 will be placed in a guided study hall and may receive additional interventions which may include our after school Math Lab and “Make It Right” program on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:00 PM. Transportation will be provided for students attending after school programs. Additionally, the administration will run a missing assignment report each Monday and inform parents of any outstanding assignments.
Community Partnership
It is our goal to work collaboratively with you for the next two years. Each week you will receive a weekly snapshot to inform you of upcoming events and provide you with pertinent information. We encourage all parents to participate in our parent teacher organization and our governance council. The first PTO meeting will be held in September; we will send notice in our weekly snapshot. We look forward to serving your children and creating an environment with a focus on a positive climate, rigorous academic standards and expectations, and a lifelong curiosity for learning.
Connecticut General Statute 10-184 requires that each parent or other person having control of a child is obligated to cause the child to attend school regularly during the hours and terms the public school is in session.
This law is based on the fact that regular daily attendance, arriving on time, and completing each school day is critical for success in school. Time lost from class tends to be irretrievable in terms of opportunity for instructional interaction.
Naugatuck Board of Education policy (5113.1) requires that children are to be in school except in cases of illness or injury, death in the immediate family, religious obligation, an emergency, or exceptional circumstances.
Parents are requested to call the school office by 8:30 AM if their child will be absent from school that day. Parents who do not contact the office will be called at home, or if necessary, at work to confirm an absence.
The Board policy, with respect to unexcused absences, states that a “truant” means a child who has four unexcused absences in one month or ten unexcused absences in one year. The school will work with the parents to improve attendance rather than impose punitive measures; however, when all options have been exhausted, a referral to legal authorities is required.
Students should not arrive at school before 7:40 AM. Walkers may enter the building when the bus students enter at
7:40 AM. Upon entering the building, students should go to their lockers and then report to their homerooms by 7:55 AM. Homeroom periods will be used to take attendance, distribute and collect material, and relay information concerning upcoming events and activities.
Students who arrive to school after the 7:55 AM bell are considered tardy and must report to the Guidance Office with a parent/guardian. Documentation must be provided to the office for the tardy to be excused. (doctor's note, court papers, etc.)
Three unexcused tardies in one trimester will result in a Make It Right after school. A Make It Right will be assigned for each incident thereafter.
- Dance, School Social and After-School Attendance
School dances, the 8th Grade Social and other after school activities are sponsored by City Hill student and parent organizations and are chaperoned by members of the faculty. As with any school function, all school rules apply during these activities, which are privileges.
- At the end of the school year, the Eighth Grade Social requires dressier attire; however, please note that this is not a prom and formal wear and gowns are not appropriate.
- City Hill dances are not open to public participation.
- Students are not allowed to leave an activity early unless a parent communication to the school indicated otherwise.
- Students are not allowed to bring overnight bags, backpacks, food or drink to a dance/social.
- If not in attendance the day of the dance or any other after-school activity, the student will not be allowed to attend the activity.
Make-up Policy
Students are expected to make-up course work missed due to absence. It is the student’s responsibility to see individual teachers to arrange a make-up schedule. Make up schedules will be based on the nature of the course requirement and will be defined by each teacher at the beginning of the course. If a student has an extenuating circumstance, parents are encouraged to call their child’s guidance counselor for assistance. If a student has an extended illness, parents are asked to call the guidance counselor so appropriate assistance can be arranged. Students who are absent between one and five consecutive days for a religious observance will be allowed five days to make-up course work. Students who are absent due to a death in the immediate family will be allowed a minimum of five days to make-up course work.
Behavior/Conduct Policies
The prime purpose of any school is to provide an environment where students can learn. Respect for the rights of one’s fellow students to learn and for teachers to teach is the basic measure of good student conduct and self-discipline. It is not possible to cover in this handbook, by specific rules, all circumstances or events that could lead to the need for student discipline.
The full district policy for behavior, conduct and policies is published online. Students are responsible to adhere to the school policies as well as the policies outlined by the district.
Discipline Procedures
In the event that a student commits a major infraction of the school rules, a teacher will send a written referral to the office and call for administrative support immediately. The school administrator will then collaborate with the teacher and/or parent on the appropriate course of action. It is critical that students learn from their behavior, make things right, and grow as a person.
Electronic Equipment
Connecticut Public Act 95-304 prohibits the use of a remotely activated paging device or cellular mobile telephone in a public school. Though we understand that parents allow their children to have cell phones and to bring them to school, we do not allow the students to have them on or to use them during the school day. They must be off and secured at all times unless directed by a faculty/staff member to use the device for academic purposes. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen electronic devices.
Students are not allowed to use a cell phone or any camera device to take personal pictures or video of other students, staff or faculty in the school building, on school grounds or on school busses without express consent. Students who take pictures or film of other students/staff without the permission of the school and the participants will face serious consequences, including suspension. This type of activity will not be tolerated and is viewed as a serious disruption of the educational process.
Electronic Policy grades 7-12
All personal electronic devices must remain off and out of sight between 7:40 AM and 2:25 PM, including during passing times, lunch and study halls.
- First offense: Students may pick up their device from the dean's office/security after 2:00 PM; parents will be notified of the offense.
- Second offense: Parents may pick up the device after 2:00 PM.
- Third and subsequent offenses will require parents to pick up the device and may result in in-school suspensions or other appropriate consequences at the discretion of the administration.
Photography, Videotaping and Privacy
From time to time, names, photos, or videos of our students may appear in the local newspaper or on our web page. You may refuse to permit media-related photographing, videotaping, and/or audiotaping of your child by putting your request in writing and sending it to the principal.
Students are prohibited from taking picture videos at school or school functions without first asking permission from school staff. Pictures or videos should never be taken without the subject’s knowledge. It is prohibited to post pictures or videos taken at school or at a school event on the Internet without the permission of the building principal.
Telephone Calls
Students must have a pass from a teacher to use the phone in the main office. The use of cell phones in order to call or text is not permitted during any part the school day unless permission is granted by faculty/staff/administration. If at any time a student needs to contact home, the student may come to the office and utilize the phone upon request. If parents need to contact their child during the school day they can call the main office and the student will be located and will be put in touch with parents. Parents are requested to be sure that the school has their most current home, cell, and work phone information at all times. Please Note: Students must bring a note to the office in the morning if planning to return home in a manner other than documented by the main office.
Hallway Behavior
To assure safe and efficient passing in the hallways, students should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Keep to the right on the stairs and in the hallways.
- Go directly to your assigned room to avoid being tardy. If you need to go to another place, first go to your classroom to obtain a pass from your teacher.
- Do not stop in the halls during passing. This blocks the flow of traffic and can cause a problem.
- Upon entering the building, students should go directly to their lockers and then to their homerooms. Students are not to leave without a pass from their homeroom teacher.
- At the end of the day, students will report to homeroom and will be dismissed when announcements have concluded.
The lunchroom management and your fellow students will appreciate your cooperation in the following:
- Depositing all lunch litter in waste barrels.
- Leaving the tables and floor in a clean condition for others.
- Using appropriate indoor voice level.
- Students must have permission from cafeteria monitors to leave the cafeteria.
Students are required to have a signed pass in their possession at any time they are in the halls other than between classes and before and after school. Please use your agenda for passes. Teachers are responsible for their students while they are out of their rooms.
Bus Information
Regulations for the Conduct of Pupils Riding on School Buses by the Board of Education, Naugatuck, CT (Pupils = students of CHMS)
The driver is in full charge of the bus and of all pupils riding therein at all times while pupils are being transported to and from school. S/he is required to enforce all rules and regulations adopted by the school authorities for the conduct of pupils riding on the bus. Students must take a seat when they enter the bus and remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion. Students must not open bus windows without permission from the driver. Students must be on time and, at all times, cooperate in keeping the bus on schedule. Students will, after exiting from the bus, wait for the signal from the driver before crossing the highway. Students will also look to see that traffic is halted.
Bus Video Cameras
Student Transportation of America now has video cameras installed on all the district’s school buses. These cameras view the interiors of the buses. They are located in secure boxes to resist vibration for a clear picture. Each video is labeled with the bus run number, the date, and the time and saved in the bus company office.
Requests to Ride a Different Bus
Students must present a signed and dated note (by parent/guardian) to the main office for approval then to the driver of the bus they wish to take home if it is not their regular bus.
Student Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy
The Naugatuck Public Schools, in cooperation with the students and parents/guardians, work to educate, prevent, and intervene in the abuse of all drugs, alcohol, and mood altering substances by the entire student population in accordance with state law.
The Naugatuck Public Schools’ policy on drug use states, “… a student who on school grounds, during a school session, or anywhere at a school sponsored activity, is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or mood altering substances or possesses, uses, dispenses, sells, or aids in the procurement of alcohol, narcotics, restricted drugs, mood altering substances, or any substance purported to be a restricted substance, will be subjected to discipline pursuant to the provisions and procedures of the policy.”
Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes) is prohibited on school grounds, in all school buildings, and at all school-related activities both on and off school grounds.
Serious Behavioral Issues
Students involved with threatening, intimidation, extortion, bullying, fighting, violence, weapons or weapon facsimiles will be given a ten day OSS. Expulsion may be recommended to the Superintendent based on Board of Education policy. Students who cause a major breach of peace, are seriously disorderly in their conduct, or are disruptive to the educational process will receive a school consequence and will be referred to the police. All criminal activity will be turned over to the police.
Pulling a fire alarm is a criminal offense. This matter will be turned over to police and fire officials.
Vandalism, graffiti, theft and arson are criminal offenses. The consequence will be a five to ten day suspension. The administrator will determine if this is ISS or OSS based on the severity of the offense or repeated offenses. Restitution for damages will be required. This matter will be turned over to the police.
Sexual Harassment / Intimidation Policy
All people should be treated with respect.
Sexual harassment has been clearly established as a form of sexual discrimination. Sexual harassment is defined as follows:
“Any intentional or unintentional unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, (2) submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or education decisions affecting the individual or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work, education, performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.”
Specific behaviors (that are wanted/unwanted and sexual in nature) that could constitute sexual harassment are, but not limited to, the following:
- Touching
- Sexual name calling
- Verbal comments Cornering / blocking
- Jokes/Cartoons/Posters
- Pulling at clothes
- Suggestive facial expressions
- Sexual rumors
- Too personal a conversation
If a student believes that s/he has been discriminated against in regard to the preceding policy, s/he may file a grievance that his/her rights have been denied or violated.
If students wish to discuss these regulations and the full policy, their right under the policy, or file a grievance, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, John Lawlor at Naugatuck Board of Education, 497 Rubber Avenue., Naugatuck, CT 06770, (720-5265) within 40 calendar days of the alleged occurrence and within one year of any previous related occurrences.
Any student who receives a 10-day OSS must return with a parent to re-enter school.
Chromebook Policy
Chromebooks will be provided for students to use in their classrooms. Each period chromebooks and all accessories must be returned in reasonable working condition. Students who fail to return Chromebooks will be assessed the full replacement cost; failure to pay may result in a theft being reported to the Naugatuck Police Department
Students are solely responsible for the physical condition of their Chromebook, and are expected to adhere to the following guidelines for caring for their Chromebooks.
- Students may not personalize the physical Chromebook UNLESS it is protected by a removable skin
- Food or drink should not be consumed near your Chromebook when it is in use
- Use caution when connecting/disconnecting any cords, cables, or other removable hardware
- Never carry the Chromebook when the screen is open
- Be careful there are no obstructions when closing the screens (pens, power cables, etc.)
- Chromebooks should be powered OFF before storing to preserve battery life and internal hardware
- Never leave the Chromebook unattended, unlocked, or unsupervised
- Never leave the Chromebook where it could be subject to extreme temperatures (i.e. car)
- Chromebooks should always be carried/transported in a protective case, bag, or sleeve
- The Chromebook must be closed before placing it any cases, bags, or sleeves
- Nothing should be placed on top of the Chromebook
Students and their parents/guardians will be held financially responsible for any repairs required to keep their Chromebook in working condition, and/or any damages/loss that occur as a result of neglect or abuse. Examples included, but are not limited to, damage to keys, touchpads, screens, hinges, extreme cosmetic damage, or damage to internal components from liquids or extreme temperatures.
Dress Code and Grooming Code
City Hill Middle School follows the dress code set forth by the Naugatuck Board of Education, below is the general policy for the district dress code as well as the policy specific for students in grades 7–12.
Responsible citizens dress in a manner that supports the learning environment. Dressing inappropriately distracts from the learning environment. Members of the City Hill Middle School community who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to call home for appropriate clothes. If parents/guardians cannot be reached, students may be offered a cover-up item of clothing if available. Students who refuse the cover-up clothing will be referred to In-School Suspension for the remainder of the day. Continued violations will result in further disciplinary action.
Dress Code Policy
All students should be dressed and groomed in a neat, modest, safe and appropriate manner. Shoes must be worn at all times. Torn, tattered clothing that exposes skin will not be allowed. The following items do not support the educational environment, may cause safety issues, and are not allowed:
In order to maintain an environment conducive to the educational process, the Board of Education prohibits the following from being worn during the academic school day:
- Coats, jackets or other attire normally worn as outerwear. Outerwear includes: coats, jackets, windbreakers, nylon pullovers, down vests, and other clothing the administration deems inappropriate. Outerwear shall not be worn, carried or kept in the classroom during regular school hours.
- Hats, caps or hoods are prohibited. Approved coverings worn as part of a student’s religious practice or belief shall not be prohibited under this policy. Head coverings shall not be worn, carried, hung on belts or around the neck or kept in the classroom during school hours.
- Outerwear and head wear must be secured in the student’s locker or other storage area before school starts. Items not stored will be confiscated by Principal.
- Footwear which mars floors or is a safety hazard.
- Sunglasses, scarves, gloves whether worn or carried.
- Spiked or studded bracelets, oversized or multi-finger rings, belts or any other article of attire with spikes or studs attached, or any other clothing item that may present a safety hazard to the student, other students or staff.
- Attire or accessories which contain overly offensive or disruptive writing or picture likely to unduly disrupt the educational environment, or which constitute “fighting words.”
- Attire or accessories which depict logo or emblems that encourage the use of drugs, tobacco products, or alcoholic beverages.
- Low slung pants that expose undergarments
- Shirts and/or blouses which reveal the abdomen, chest, or undergarments.
- See-through clothing,
- Halter tops/dresses or strapless tops/dresses.
- Slippers, pajama tops or bottoms, leotards, leggings or tights that substitute for pants.
- Any clothing or items worn or displayed that denote gang association are prohibited, including but not limited to beads, bandanas, jewelry.
- Shorts, miniskirts more than three inches above the knee or pants with holes which reveal the upper thigh or undergarments. Spandex garments are allowed only if they are covered by shorts or skirts.
- Costumes of any kind, even for Halloween
- Backpacks, fanny packs, and/or book bags are not permitted to be carried between classes.
- Any clothing item not aforementioned that is deemed unsafe or disruptive to the learning environment.
The Naugatuck Board of Education is committed to creating and maintaining an educational environment that is physically, emotionally and intellectually safe and thus free from bullying, harassment and discrimination. In accordance with Connecticut State Law and the Board’s Safe School Climate Plan, the Board expressly prohibits any form of bullying behavior on school grounds; at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, function or program, whether on or off school grounds; at a school bus stop; on a school bus or other vehicle owned, leased or used by a local or regional board of education; or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned, leased or used by Board of Education. Reporting forms are available at the school in any administrative office. The full board policy is available on the district website.
Counseling and Guidance Services
Counseling and guidance services are available for every student at CHMS. Counselors and students discuss such topics as educational planning, home, school and/or social concerns, career information, study help, and interpretation of test scores. Students are assigned to one of two counselors for their two years at City Hill. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school counselor to discuss any concern they might have regarding their child. Counselors are available to arrange conferences at the request of parents, students, and/or teachers.
Students are responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, and furnishings provided by the school. Textbooks are to be kept clean and should be covered carefully.
Each student is assigned a locker for the storage of books and equipment. Locks will be issued to students. It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her locker locked at all times. Students are expected to keep lockers in good usable condition. Students are permitted to go to their lockers only during designated locker times. All lockers are the property of the Naugatuck Board of Education and are subject to inspection by the administration at their discretion. Kicking or defacing a locker in any manner will result in payment for damages. Students are not permitted to share lockers or to give out locker combinations. The school is not responsible for items missing from an unlocked locker. Each student will receive a combination lock for his/her locker. Lockers must be locked at all times. Students are never permitted to share lockers.
Articles of value, turned into the office, will be held until the end of each month. Unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated to charity.
Grading Policies
Progress Reports will be issued during each trimester. These reports allow for teacher assessment, student self-evaluation, and parental comment.
Report Cards will be brought home by the student at the end of each trimester.
Honor Roll expectations and criteria will be discussed with the students at the start of the school year.
Parent-Teacher Organization
The PTO works closely with the school staff and student body during the school year. Many of the school’s activities are possible only because of the assistance and support provided by this organization. Parents are welcome to attend the monthly meeting held at approximately 6:30 PM in the library. Please contact the school for more information. Please join!
All guests and visitors to the school must register at the main office. The school policy is to accept only those visitors with legitimate school business. Always bring your picture ID when visiting City Hill.
Former students wishing to visit with teachers should call in advance and schedule meetings after students have been dismissed.
Student Access to Networked Information
The Naugatuck Board of Education recognizes that as telecommunications and other new technologies shift, the ways that information may be accessed, communicated, and transferred change. Those changes may alter instruction and student learning.
The Board generally supports access by students to rich information resources along with the development by staff of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate such resources.
In a free and democratic society, access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship.
Network Rules
Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks, just as they are in school or while attending school-sponsored activities. Communications on the network are often public in nature, and general school rules for behavior and communication apply.
The network is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Independent access to network services is provided to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner and who have parental/guardian permission (for minors). Access is a privilege, not a right, and such access entails responsibility. During school, teachers of younger students will guide them towards appropriate materials. Outside of school, that responsibility shifts to parents/guardians.
Individual users of the district computer networks are responsible for their behavior and communications over the networks. It is presumed that users will comply with district standards and will honor the agreements they have signed.
The following are not permitted:
- Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- Using obscene language
- Harassing, insulting, or attacking others
- Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks
- Violating copyright laws
- Using others' passwords
- Trespassing on others' folders, work, or files
- Intentionally wasting limited resources
- Employing the network for commercial purposes
The following sanctions may be employed for students who misuse the network:
- Loss of access
- Additional disciplinary action in line with existing practice regarding inappropriate language or behavior
- Involvement of law enforcement agencies
Emergency Codes
Each month CHMS conducts a fire drill or code drill.
Code Black lockdown |
Inside: Active shooter inside the school.
Outside: Active shooter outside the school.
Inside: Dangerous intruder inside the school.
Outside: Dangerous intruder on or about school grounds.
Protect in place.
Code BLUE |
Evacuate the building using fire drill routes.
Move to hallways.
Unconscious, non-breathing person.
Code GREEN |
Emergency situation is over.
These codes are a guide - Survival Mindset trumps all